Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Top Eight Ways to Change Your Heart for Christmas

1. Read the story of Christmas found in Luke and Matthew every morning to remind you of the reason for the season.
2. Say Merry Christmas when someone says happy holidays.
3. Slow down. Don't do something on your "To Do" list. Instead of baking cookies, buy them; instead of all those decorations, leave some in the storage boxes for another year.
4. Smile
5. Spend one afternoon at the mall without buying anything. Grab a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, sit down --- watch the crowds, especially the children.
6. Play Christmas music all through the house.
7. Put out a jigsaw puzzle for the whole family to work on through the season.
8. Every time you see a shepherd in a Nativity, remember to be as joyous as they were.

Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Psalms reading plan

You're invited!

Join George and me as we read the Psalms together. All 150 Psalms every month. It's easy and fun!

Here's the plan:

Pick today's date. Read that Psalm, then add 30 read that Psalm, then add 30 and read that Psalm too until you've read five Psalms each day.

So on the 1st day of the month, you read 1, 31, 61, 91, 121.
and on the 8th day of the month, you read 8, 38, 68, 98, 128
and on the 20th day of the month, you read 20, 50, 80, 110, 140
and on the 25th day of the month, you read 25, 55, 85, 115, 145.

Got it?

It's simple. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you know which Psalms to read because you know the date!

I like to call this my "NO Guilt" plan because if you miss a day, it doesn't mean you have to go back and try to catch up (as in some devo or reading plans). Instead, you just pick up on today's date! NO GUILT! I like that!

So you're invited to join us as we read our five Psalms together each morning. We sit by the pool. If you want to come to Texas, we'll pour you a cuppa and read along with you too.

Let us know if you are joining in!

Happy "no guilt" reading.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hanging on

Early this morning when the air was still misty and barely light, I let Isabelle out the back door. She took off for her favorite spot and disappeared from sight. I looked around the glassed-in porch thinking I needed to do some organizing and cleaning out here today.

When I looked back outside, Isabelle was hanging from the side of the pool!

I started running toward her speaking words of comfort, "Hold on Izzy. I'm coming."

When I reached her, I tried to coax her over just three inches to the step where she could gain her footing and climb out. She wouldn't budge. She pulled harder on her two front paws somehow digging her claws into the concrete and tile. I reached under her front leg and gave her a small lift which was all she needed to make her way out of the pool.

As I dried her off I noticed that her head and front paws weren't wet at all. Somehow she had fallen into the pool backwards and caught herself on the edge. And instead of letting go and swimming to the steps which she knows how to do, she desperately hung on. With her weight and girth, there wasn't much hope of her getting out alone yet she wouldn't let go.

How many times do I hang on to my opinion or stubbornly cling to my ideas when all I'd have to do is reconsider my position just a little bit to be safe and happy? How many times do I cling to my way instead of letting God show me a better way?

I'm so glad God is willing to give me that little nudge I need to lift me out of danger. Other wise I'd just be dog paddling alone.

Ps 10:12 Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God.Do not forget the helpless.
Ps 40:2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,out of the mud and mire;he set my feet on a rockand gave me a firm place to stand.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Date: April 21, 2009

Contact: Karen Porter, VP Marketing, 281-797-3920


CLASSEMINARS, INC. named Linda Gilden of Spartanburg, South Carolina, as Director of the new CLASS Christian Writers Conference (formerly Glorieta Christian Writers Conference) to be held November 4-8, 2009, in New Mexico.

The writers conference will be held at the Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico, and will feature Writing at the Ranch including intensive segments on fiction and non-fiction, workshops and tracks on the craft of writing, marketing, and career building for both beginners and advanced writers. The focus of the conference will also include spiritual development and formation for the writing life. “We see Writing at the Ranch to be a new and unique writers conference. Writers will discover new inspiration at this beautiful location and be given the opportunity to unleash the creative power within while building solid, lasting relationships with other writers and editors,” said Gilden.

Gilden is a well-known and respected author and speaker with more than twenty years experience in the publishing industry. She is author of Love Notes in Lunchboxes, Love Notes on His Pillow, and Mommy Pick Me Ups and writes regularly for national magazines and is editor of a monthly magazine. Gilden developed the popular Get Published Now program for CLASSEMINARS and is a regular presenter at writers conferences across the country. Gilden also owns a successful editing and ghostwriting business.

Gerry Wakeland, President of CLASSEMINARS INC, said of Gilden, “Linda brings a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise to the director’s position. We are planning a new kind of writing conference where attendees will not only learn the craft of writing and the intricacies of the industry, but will also find time for renewal and spiritual awakening. Linda is just the person to lead us to new heights with this important conference.”

The Ghost Ranch, located near Sante Fe in Abiquiu, New Mexico, is an educational and retreat center. The 21,000 acre ranch is where Georgia O’Keefe painted her legendary landscapes and home of two world famous anthropology and paleontology museums. The writers conference was previously held at the Glorieta Conference Center.

For registration and other information, go to www.classeminars.org.

CLASSEMINARS, INC is a 501c3 corporation which presents training seminars for authors, speakers, and leaders throughout the United States and internationally. CLASSEMINARS, INC is not affiliated with CLASServices, Inc.

Friday, March 13, 2009


CLASSEMINARS is the premiere training of Christian communicators! I am proud to be a part of the team leading into the future. Check out this new press release about the changes at CLASS.


New Corporation Board of Directors Meet, Name Officers, Plan

Houston Texas. The Board of Directors of CLASSEMINARS, INC. named Gerry Wakeland of Albuquerque, New Mexico, President of the corporation at its first annual board meeting.

CLASSEMINARS, INC is a 501c3 corporation which presents training seminars for authors, speakers, and leaders throughout the United States and internationally. The flagship seminar is The CLASSeminar which has trained more than 30,000 men and women in the past twenty-eight years. CLASSEMINARS, INC. acquired The CLASSeminar from CLASServices in a contract ratified by the Board of Directors.

Wakeland brings a wealth of diverse expertise to her leadership role including corporate and non-profit management experience for organizations such as Sheraton, PacTel Cellular, and the Master Chorale of Orange County, California. Wakeland has wide experience in ministry positions including Women’s Ministry Director at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

The CLASSeminar is the creation of Florence Littauer, international speaker, master teacher, and author of over 40 books. Littauer was designated Founder of the new corporation and will name a Founder’s Board of Advisors within the next few months.

Other seminars provided by the new corporation will include personality workshops, writer’s conferences, book proposal workshops, and a number of new seminars to be piloted this year. New seminars will cover writing, marketing, marriage, leadership, women’s ministry, and technology, as well as a future Express CLASSeminar which will be an intensive short-course presentation of the original seminar.

In addition to Wakeland, the Board named officers: Betty Southard, Newport Beach, California, as Executive Vice President, Robin Stanley of Orlando, Florida as Secretary, and Linda Jewell of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as Treasurer, and Karen Porter of Friendswood, Texas, as Vice President of Marketing. In addition to the officers, Tama Westman of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was named Director of Communications, Steve and Julie Ferwerda of Lander, Wyoming, were named Directors of Internet Services.

The Board consists of Wakeland, Southard, Jewell, Stanley, Porter, and Fred Southard of Newport Beach, California, and John Thurman of Albuquerque New Mexico.

CLASSEMINARS INC. is a 501c3 corporation and is not affiliated with CLASServices, Inc.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Dog Hugs --- Yes She Does!

By now you've seen the photo of ISABELLE which I've captioned "Our Hugging Great Pyrennes". You may be wondering about that caption.

We got this Great Pyrenees from a rescue vet and brought her home on a rainy stormy day. What we didn't know is that she is terrified of thunder. So the first time we took her into the back yard, a big clap of thunder startled her and she jumped into the pool! From that auspicious start, we began to try to build her confidence (after we dried her off and begged her to come in the house)

Now months later, she's still afraid but now she stays close to us and she hugs.

The Dog Hugs --- Yes she does!

She's too big to sit in your lap. She's too overpowering for picking up. But she doesn't let it stop her. She gets up next to you and hugs. If you are standing, she leans on your legs and if you are sitting, she lays her head against your knee. She lays in the hall (its safe there :) and every once in a while she gets up and comes wherever we are and hugs us a while.

There's something wonderful about the unconditional love of a big 'ol white ball of fur. Excitement when we get home and hugs when things are slow.

Who have you loved in your home today?