Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Psalms reading plan

You're invited!

Join George and me as we read the Psalms together. All 150 Psalms every month. It's easy and fun!

Here's the plan:

Pick today's date. Read that Psalm, then add 30 read that Psalm, then add 30 and read that Psalm too until you've read five Psalms each day.

So on the 1st day of the month, you read 1, 31, 61, 91, 121.
and on the 8th day of the month, you read 8, 38, 68, 98, 128
and on the 20th day of the month, you read 20, 50, 80, 110, 140
and on the 25th day of the month, you read 25, 55, 85, 115, 145.

Got it?

It's simple. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you know which Psalms to read because you know the date!

I like to call this my "NO Guilt" plan because if you miss a day, it doesn't mean you have to go back and try to catch up (as in some devo or reading plans). Instead, you just pick up on today's date! NO GUILT! I like that!

So you're invited to join us as we read our five Psalms together each morning. We sit by the pool. If you want to come to Texas, we'll pour you a cuppa and read along with you too.

Let us know if you are joining in!

Happy "no guilt" reading.